『クレイマー、クレイマー』(原題: Kramer vs. Kramer)は、1979年公開のアメリカ映画。製作・配給会社はコロンビア映画。, エイヴリー・コーマンの小説を原作としてロバート・ベントンが監督と脚本を担当した。主演はダスティン・ホフマン。, 第52回アカデミー賞作品賞ならびに第37回ゴールデングローブ賞 ドラマ部門作品賞受賞作品。, 原題は「クレイマー(原告)対クレイマー(被告)の裁判」の意で同じ名前の人が争っている裁判、つまり離婚裁判を題材にした物語である。, 舞台はニューヨーク・マンハッタン。仕事熱心の会社員テッド・クレイマーは、家事と育児を妻のジョアンナ・クレイマーにすべて押しつけていた。ジョアンナは何か自分が打ち込める仕事をしたいと夫に相談を持ちかけるが、それに対してテッドは、夫が順調にキャリアを重ねて収入が増え、家族の生活にまったく不自由がないのに、何が不満かと言ってとりあわない。, やがて、ジョアンナはテッドに別れを告げてきた。はじめは冗談だと思っていたテッドだったが、翌日会社から自宅に電話をかけても誰も出ないことから初めてことの重大さに気づく。テッドの生活はその日から一変した。, テッドは5歳の息子ビリーと戸惑いながらも父子二人きりの生活を始める。息子の分まで朝食を作り、学校まで送った後、自らは急いでタクシーで会社へ向かう。ビリーのために作ったフレンチトーストは、最初のうちは真っ黒にしてしまっていた。順調に進んでいた会社の仕事も家まで持ち帰る羽目になり、かまってもらえない寂しさからビリーはその仕事を邪魔するかのように振舞う。そんな二人はまるで噛み合わず、とても父子とは思えないような有様であったが、次第に協力して一緒に生活することを自覚するようになり、時間とともに二人の絆は深まっていった。, ジョアンナが出奔してから1年半の間に、家事と育児に精を出すテッド。ビリーとの関係も以前よりも親密になった。そんなある日、すこし目を離した隙にビリーがジャングルジムから転落し大怪我を負ってしまう。そのうえ息子に気を取られ仕事に身が入らないテッドは、会社から解雇されてしまう。さらに、1年以上連絡のなかったジョアンナが、カリフォルニアへの出奔中に成立させた離婚で息子の養育権はテッドに渡すと認めたにも係らず、離婚時の取り決めを反故にすべく母性を盾に養育権の奪還を裁判所に申し立てた。弁護士に相談するも、失業中のテッドが養育権を勝ち取る見込みはほとんどない。, テッドは慌てて就職活動をし、裁判前にようやく仕事にありつけたが、以前の勤務先より遥かに給与は少なく、手に職を得たジョアンナの方が収入は多かった。また、それまで仕事ばかりで家庭を顧みなかったというジョアンナの主張に反論できず、テッドは裁判で苦戦を強いられた。, 不毛な裁判「クレイマー対クレイマー離婚事件」で、結局テッドは「子の最良の利益(best interest of the child)」の原則により敗訴する。結局ビリーの養育権はジョアンナの手に渡ることとなり、ビリーの存在が生きがいであったテッドは悲嘆に暮れる。, やがて、養育権者への引渡しの時が来た。ビリーをジョアンナに引き渡す日の朝、テッドは最初のころこそうまくつくれなかったフレンチトーストを難なくつくり上げ、ビリーと二人で最後の朝食をとった。ジョアンナが来るのを待つ二人であったがジョアンナからの電話でテッドが階下に降りると彼女は思いつめたかのように呟く。「ビリーのためを思えば連れていくのはよくない。彼の家はここよ。上に行ってビリーと話してもいい?」。二人は、法廷での虚虚実実の応酬を忘れ、父子のアパートの1階で感極まって抱擁する。エレベーターに乗り込むジョアンナをテッドは見守った。, ※日本テレビでの初回放送時はノーカットで放送されたがソニー・ピクチャーズ エンタテインメント発売の「吹替洋画劇場」シリーズ 「『クレイマー、クレイマー』 35周年記念 アニバーサリーエディション」Blu-rayには再放送された際の短縮版吹き替え(約93分)を収録した特典ディスクが付属している。, 『卒業』『真夜中のカーボーイ』『大統領の陰謀』などの作品に出演した演技派俳優のダスティン・ホフマンを主人公に、『ディア・ハンター』でアカデミー助演女優賞にノミネートされたメリル・ストリープを妻役に迎え、自立を求め家を出る妻と、取り残された夫と息子に起こるさまざまな問題を描いた。当時アメリカ国内において社会問題となっていた離婚・親権を真正面から捉えたこの作品は国内外で映画評論家と観衆双方の高い評価を獲得した。, 劇中にはダスティン・ホフマンのアイディアを元に撮影されたシーンが多数存在する。そのため、監督のロバート・ベントンはホフマンに脚本のクレジットタイトルへの共同参加を打診したが、オリジナルの脚本はベントンのものであるためホフマンは打診を断った[3]。, 本作品はアカデミー賞で脚本賞を受賞したため、ホフマンは後年になって「打診を受け入れていれば脚本賞も受賞できたのに」と冗談交じりに語った[3]。なお、ホフマンは主演男優賞を受賞している。, アイスクリームのシーンや、グラスを割るシーンなどホフマンとジャスティン・ヘンリーによるアイディアが随所に存在する[3]。, ビリー役のジャスティン・ヘンリーはわずか8歳でアカデミー助演男優賞にノミネートされ、史上最年少記録を樹立した。, 『キネマ旬報ベスト・テン85回全史 1924-2011』(キネマ旬報社、2012年)390頁, https://ja.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=クレイマー、クレイマー&oldid=81308973, 映画では父親のテッドが一人で家事一切を行うが、小説では面倒見の良い家政婦が週日の日中はビリーの面倒を見ている。, 裁判所が審理開始に先立って心理学の専門調査官を派遣し、その中で二人の心中を吐露させる場面が、映画にはない。, ラストシーンは、映画ではビリーが父との別れに泣きじゃくり、父子を引き離せないと苦悶するジョアンナをアパートの一階で一人ビリーのいる階へとテッドがリフトに乗せる。原作では電話でジョアンナの方が涙ながらに「ビリーは引き取らないわ。その代わり、時々会っても良いかしら? 破綻の原因は私にあるのよ」と電話をかけるところで終わっている。, 第34回英国アカデミー賞 作品賞//監督賞/脚本賞/主演男優賞/主演女優賞ノミネート. The Kindle version of the novel KRAMER vs KRAMER was offered by Amazon for $1.99 so I took a chance. Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Plot Summary (5) Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. His wife Joanna cannot take this anymore, so she decides to leave him. Flashback is usually available only to Slate Plus members. Kramer v Kramer is a film I’ve need to revisit for the longest of times. But, Ted will never let go of his son. Ted Kramer is a career man for whom his work comes before his family. VS-622DT BEST OF SHOW Kramer’s all-in-one presentation system wins Sound & Video Contractor’s 2018 award; 19 0 Log Out Alert × Attention: If you redirect to a different Kramer website, you … As such, Joanna, on the encouragement of Margaret Phelps, a recent divorcée in their apartment building and one of Joanna's primary confidantes, decides to abandon the marriage, and leave Billy with Ted, as she feels she can't properly take care of Billy in her current fragile mental state. Unless the woman is really ugly. Kramer vs. Kramer--/5 En espera de más votos para generar promedio La esposa de Ted Kramer lo deja, permitiendo que se redescubra un vínculo perdido entre Ted y su hijo, Billy. Kramer vs. Kramer Synopsis Favorite Movie Button Overview Movie Times + Tickets Synopsis Movie Reviews Trailers More Cast + Crew Awards 1 hr 44 Drama Looking for movie tickets? Download for offline reading, highlight, bookmark or take notes while you read Kramer vs Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman), a workaholic advertising executive, is just given his agency's biggest new account. On the same day Manhattan advertising executive Ted Kramer lands the biggest account of his career, he learns that his wife, Joanna, is leaving him and their young son, Billy. Um für seinen Sohn Billy da zu sein, wirft Ted sein ganzes Leben um und schränkt seine Arbeit ein. Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. It's very dark. Ted Kramer wird von seiner Frau Joanna urplötzlich verlassen. Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. I was his mommy for five and a half years and Ted took over that role for 18 months. Rent Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) film for FREE as part of our trial offer. All the time. Website. Beyond the time of fitting in Joanna's duties into his work schedule, Ted is ill equipped to take care of the household chores and be Billy's sole caregiver, which is made more difficult as Billy has his own ill feelings about the entire situation. Browse more videos. Playing next. Adapted from the novel by Avery Corman, Kramer vs. Kramer follows the story of Ted Kramer (Dustin Hoffman).Ted's a workaholic who is not really involved in the domestic life of his wife Joanna (Meryl Streep) and 6-year-old son Billy.He is forced to become involved immediately one day, when Joanna leaves him, forcing him to raise Billy alone. Kramer vs. Kramer: A Novel - Ebook written by Avery Corman. WARNING: This podcast contains spoilers (duh). The final 2/3 of the novel became less depressing as I began to understand Ted Kramer’s struggle to be a single father. Directed by Robert Benton. Edit Report This. 1:50. I'm not saying he doesn't need his father, but I really believe he needs me more. Project Kramer. Spoiler: it worked. Kramer vs. Kramer is a 1979 American legal drama film written and directed by Robert Benton, based on Avery Corman's 1977 novel of the same name. This review may contain spoilers. Forced to raise his son alone, Ted loses his job but gains a stronger relationship with the child with the help of another single parent, Margaret (Jane Alexander). Kramer vs. Kramer | Avery Corman | ISBN: 9781569805381 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. In fact, she’s leaving her workaholic husband to … Kramer vs. Kramer . At the moment, TED KRAMER, nice-looking without being what you would call a matinee idol, paces back and forth. Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. She's gone for 15 months, during which time Ted learns to be a parent, listen to his kid, and the two even form a decent relationship. Kramer vs. Kramer DRAMA Winner of 5 Academy Awards, Kramer vs. Kramer is a ground- breaking drama about the heartbreak of divorce and the struggle between work and family. Can there be any winners when a family is in ruins? In Kramer vs. Kramer, Mr Kramer’s (Dustin Hoffman) secretary is standing in front of him in his office and she simply “yes”. If you consider Kramer Vs Kramer for a moment, most wouldn't normally think that this film came close to that achievement. But a heated custody battle ensues over the divorced couple's son, deepening the wounds left by the separation. Concerto in C Major for Mandolin, Strings and Harpsichord, P. 134: III. With Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander, Justin Henry. Parents Guide, Leon Wolters . Kramer vs. Kramer is written in a simple style and recounts a tale of parenthood, divorce and the subsequent custody battle. | Besides that though, this movie is not only very emotional and sad, but also very heartwarming and happy and times. Kramer vs. Kramer is a classic drama about a career oriented dad who becomes a single parent and then later has to go to court for the custody of his boy. ---> *WARNING* Spoiler Alerts Below *WARNING* <--- Kramer vs. Kramer, a 1979 legal drama about a couple (the Kramers) divorcing. amerikai filmdráma, 101 perc, 1979. 『クレイマー、クレイマー』(原題: Kramer vs. Kramer)は、1979年公開のアメリカ映画。製作・配給会社はコロンビア映画。 エイヴリー・コーマンの小説を原作としてロバート・ベントンが監督と脚本を担当した。 主演はダスティン・ホフマン。 When Joanna returns to claim custody of Billy, the ensuing court battle takes a toll on everyone concerned. Kramer vs. Kramer was the first movie of its time to speak candidly about divorce and child custody, made all the more real by dialogue that was improvised during many of its scenes. Context: in films women say: “kiss me”. IMDb's Find Results Page Changing Hollywood Sex Roles: The Main Event, Just Tell Me What You Want, The Last Married Couple in America, The Seduction of Joe Tynan, Kramer vs. Kramer, An Unmarried Woman, Starting Over Johnsonvilles Were You Here Featuring Jerry Kramer. His wife Joanna cannot take this anymore, so she decides to leave him. Allegro Antonio Vivaldi, Sol Goichberg, Max Goberman, Raymond Leppard, English Chamber Orchestra • Great CBS Masterworks Recordings of Baroque Favorites from "Kramer vs. Kramer" Kramer vs. Kramer Summary Workaholic ad man Ted Kramer just got assigned to a big account at work, and he's stoked to tell his wife, Joanna, all about it. In the scene where an unemployed Ted Kramer character is in the offices of another advertising firm negotiating with two executives for a job, he tells them he will take a pay cut if they hire him but that this is a one-time offer. As a result, left all alone to care for their innocent six-year-old son, Billy, Ted must reinvent the father-and-son relationship, and make up for lost time. With Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander, Justin Henry. Kramer vs. Kramer is a movie of good performances, and it had to be, because the performances can't rest on conventional melodrama. She's leaving him. [having lunch with his boss]So the other morning, I'm at the refrigerator... you know, getting Billy ready for school. When he gets home, Ted finds out that Joanna has news of her own. Click the link 2. Taglines #42 in TV Reviews. She The Boys in the Band is an engaging, funny, and tragic story. Forced to raise his son alone, Ted loses his job but gains a stronger relationship with the child with the help of another single parent, Margaret. On Slate's Spoiler Specials, Slate critics, such as Dana Stevens and Willa Paskin, discuss new movies and TV shows in spoiler-filled detail. In Kramer vs. Kramer, Ted Kramer is an advertising executive assigned to a new, important account. オンライン通販のAmazon公式サイトなら、Kramer vs. Kramer [DVD]を DVDストアで、いつでもお安く。当日お急ぎ便対象商品は、当日お届け可能です。アマゾン配送商品は、通常送料無料。 I believe the first and only time I watched this on tv. But, do NOT delete any. 原題は「Kramer vs. Kramer」であり、離婚調停の法廷の原告Mrs.Kramer(妻)と被告Mr.Kramer(夫)のことを指したタイトルとなっている。これは、まだ離婚が成立していない同姓の夫婦の戦いを意味している。 法廷侮辱罪 The film stars Dustin Hoffman, Meryl Streep, Jane Alexander, and Justin Henry. Out of the blue, after eight years, the workaholic, up-and-coming advertising executive, Ted Kramer, finds himself with his back to the wall when his emotionally fatigued wife, Joanna, announces that she wants out of the marriage. But a heated custody battle ensues over the divorced couple's son, deepening the wounds left by the separation. Report. More for Kramer vs Kramer Mistakes Other mistake : In the scene where an unemployed Ted Kramer character is in the offices of another advertising firm negotiating with two executives for a job, he tells them he will take a pay cut if they hire him but that this is a one-time offer. The direction, acting, and editing keep the pace quick, except when it needs to slow down. Discover Slate's Spoiler Specials Flashback: Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Flashback: Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Update: 2020-01-12 1. Ted is now faced with the tasks of housekeeping and taking care of himself View Team. Hoffman and Streep are at their prime and quite expectedly brilliant, but young Justin Henry is also great and may have even deserved to take home an Oscar himself. Sprawa Kramerów (1979) Kramer vs. Kramer - Po rozpadzie małżeństwa Joanna i Ted walczą w sądzie o prawa do opieki nad synem. Ted believes that Joanna is solely going through a phase, and that she will return home in a day or two, which she doesn't. Joanna shows up, decides she wants custody, and we end up in court (hence Kramer versus Kramer). But I don't know how anybody can possibly believe that I have less of a stake in mothering that little boy than Mr. Kramer … I found this book a simple quick read and a modern cautionary tale that was able to fill me with empathy for single parents. Kramer vs. Kramer shows the break-up of a 'good' marriage, (I mean that in the sense that it is not one that is haunted by violence, alcoholism, drugs, cheating or other unpleasantries), SPOILER and how a custody battle in a modern world might play. Einloggen um zu bewerten. Roster (current) Timeline Matches Statistics Provides 50% of the world's salt supply. Since the movie is from Ted’s perspective, mostly, it can be easy to side with him against Joanna or to paint her as flighty or “crazy.” I can definitely see the argument that it’s a proto version of “men’s rights” nonsense, but I disagree with that take. I saw the movie “Kramer vs. Kramer” when it was released in 1979. Kramer vs. Kramer Summary Workaholic ad man Ted Kramer just got assigned to a big account at work, and he's stoked to tell his wife, Joanna, all about it. Although it won numerous awards, it didn’t have much of an impact on me since the only thing … Hilarious in Hindsight: While the film was successful enough to not have its reputation totally eclipsed, the … เร องย อ: Kramer vs. Kramer พ อ แม ล ก (1979) หน งดราม าครอบคร วเร องเย ยมยอดแห งย ค งานกำก บของ Robert Benton Kramer vs. Kramer หน งเป ดเร … Sign up now to listen to the archive and future episodes, including the next edition on Silence of the Lambs. Ted Kramer's wife leaves him, allowing for a lost bond to be rediscovered between Ted and his son, Billy. Kramer vs. Krameris a 1979 Columbia Pictures movie. All the time. It was probably an edited version, as this one version was TV-MA. Kramer vs. Kramer (1979) Kramer gegen Kramer. Kramer vs. Kramer | Corman, Avery | ISBN: 9780451082824 | Kostenloser Versand für alle Bücher mit Versand und Verkauf duch Amazon. Mistakes. So I'm just in my underwear and he notices I've lost weight. We dissect twist endings, plot holes, and other secrets you won't read in reviews. I saw the movie “Kramer vs. Kramer” when it was released in 1979. The setting is firmly entrenched in the 1970s. Spoiler Valóban a filmben nem volt feltûnõ ez a különbség, mert Meryl Streep tényleg nem egy bombázó. Show Spoilers. His tie is loosened, he checks his watch every fifteen seconds. criticaemcena.blogspot.com - Resenha e crítica do filme Kramer vs Kramer de 1979. TED (predicting the The executives are reluctant to make a decision because supposedly, it is Friday at 4:30 p.m., the weekend before Christmas. When he arrives home to share his good news with his wife, Joanna, she’s less than pleased with him. Although it won numerous awards, it didn’t have much of an impact on me since the only thing that I could recall was that it was about a child custody battle. Malcolm & Marie trailer: John David Washington and Zendaya bring forth Kramer vs. Kramer for the millennial age While the dynamics of the two … Kramer vs. Kramer is easily the most sensitive, absorbing, and heartbreaking movie I've seen of its kind. Clearly he is very distraught. After spending the evening chatting with his boss about handling a new and very large account, he returns home to find his wife Joanna (Meryl Streep) in the process of leaving him. When he gets home, Ted finds out that Joanna has news of her own. Ted and Billy go through a difficult period in learning how to deal with each other as father and son, but the relationship eventually blossoms into a truly loving one, with Margaret being one of their biggest supporters. | Értékelés: 354 szavazatból Szerinted? The plot of Kramer vs Kramer, about a man looking after his son after his wife leaves him and a custody battle that ensues when the wife comes back, has real relevance and meaning in this society of constant divorce. Joanna Kramer, his wife of eight years, is relegated to role of housewife and mother to their five and a half year old son, Billy Kramer, as Ted doesn't want her to work outside the house. I can handle the truth. The film features the cast of the 2018 Broadway revival, I think Kramer vs. Kramer offers its viewers the best solution to its conflict that it can for the worldview to which it subscribes. Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)/Thomas Kramer vs. Kramer (1979)/TUGS Kramer vs. Kramer … So now, onto Kramer vs Kramer. SPOILER: Click to show {Vocals & About} William Howard Ashton (19 August 1943 – present) Years Active: 1963-present Associated Acts: The Dakotas (Members Of: 1963-1967), The Beatles Billy J. Kramer, an English singer who shared all the same gigs with the then barely known Beatles, whose career was launched by Brian Epstein and whose first records were all written by John … Two issues threaten Ted and Billy's new-found familial happiness: the negative effect his new time priority with Billy has on maintaining a productive work life, and the arrival fifteen months later of a newly confidant Joanna, who wants custody of her son. A family is in ruins is miserable, and we end up in court ( hence versus... The pace quick, except when it needs to slow down a page for describing YMMV: Kramer vs. movie... Needs me more less depressing as I began to understand ted Kramer 's wife leaves him, allowing for lost. Lost bond to be in their life deepening the wounds left by the separation archive. 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